Tikal Geometry 2 (continued from tikal-geometry)
Ben Kacrya is a civil engineer from Iraq who had an
idea about 3D scanning of ancient structures and developed the knowhow to scan
structures like Temple II in Tikal. He
sold the business and apparently received enough funds to mush on and develop
scans for his personal satisfaction. The
scan of Temple II at Tikal got on the internet and was discovered when this
effort was nearly completed. Therefore,
it was already known that Tikal was a special place and a “work of love for
mankind”. However, this model is the smoking gun.
In the documentary there is a good discussion about
the Schumann Resonance which is initiated by lightning and perpetrated around
the whole earth cavity with each major strike.
There are millions of strikes per day, so the earth is kept charged up
pretty easily
Salute to Ben Kacyra
In modern times if we wanted to create an image of something
like a pyramid, we would have a herd of artists do their thing and then select
the one that had the most appeal. Then
technical people would scan the image into a CAD system and make drawings of it
and even make 3 dimensional models.
Nobody I have ever known would try to create a mathematical model.
On the other hand, if we expected the pyramid to actually
“do something”, we would design in the important parameters such as acoustics,
electromagnetic properties, resonance chambers, reflecting angles, partitions
and even total site arrangement. For us
in modern times, we would not have a clue as to even what the objective was,
let alone designing something to create a fix to a major astronomical
problem. It is clear from this model
that the intelligence behind Tikal is very pronounced.
The basic 10 points of data were entered into a spreadsheet
in a vertical array couple with a horizontal array such that all potential
dimensionless ratios were provided in hopes to find some meaningful unit of
measure. It was never suspected that the
basic units of meters would be the dimensional system that was deployed. In Excel the sums are routinely given at the
bottom without having to enter a summation formula. The square root of 50,000 stood out plain as
Some of the hints at model numbers are highlighted in red
numbers and some with yellow background.
In the beginning there was no symbolic solution and the MinErr function
was used with six equations which indicated there likely was a mathematical
solution if four more equations could be found. The final solution uses 11
Before just assuming this model is some type of tricky mathematical
anomaly, consider how redundant the primary equations are and how they use all
the measurements collectively and collectively relate to the square root of 5
using three similar summations. We know
Mother Nature is fond of phi = 1.618033989 = (sqrt 5 + 1) / 2.
The equations in green below involved the square root of
50,000 and stood out easily in the spreadsheet, marked in red numerals. The equations in lavender were much more
difficult to find and mindboggling that they would be used considering when the
pyramid was thought to be built. Note these are all dimensionless ratios so
they could have been discovered if measured in feet and with two leading to
3.048, meters would have been checked and the green ones found.
Analysis of Error in Temple II Scanning by Kacyra
The precision of the scanning is totally awesome. But to think the builders could achieve this
type of precision with rocks and mortar is mind boggling. Below we see comparing the ratio of
measurement less model is only a few millimeters in many cases and the
percentage error of differences divided by total x 100 is less than 0.04
It is one level of achievement to even “discover” this
model. It is quite another level of
achievement to create it. There is no obvious
methodology how a computer program could be written to design this model. Clearly the design “does something” and is
not a beauty contest. It would seem further scanning would be a good idea.
How Planet 1680 Changes Earth Axial Tilt
The following is attempting to show one way in which Planet
1680 could affect the earth axial tilt and but may not be the actual
methodology in detail. A Google Earth
image is marked up to show how Planet 1680, known to be at an angle to the
earth/sun plane, could pass near enough to pull the north polar ice cap and the
crust as a big cup toward the body and then go around the sun and return near
enough to earth to pull the Antarctic ice and land such that the forces are
additive (shown in red below). This
would make the axis move back to a more north-south direction as it currently
is happening somewhat midway between.
Over a period of 20,000 years Planet 1680 would move down on
the left and up on the right such that it caused similar forces in the opposite
direction at each pole and send earth axis back in the opposite direction away
from the more vertical direction. (one must zoom up the image to see all the
details). Apparently when the Planet
1680 gets far enough away from polar caps, it no longer has the gravity force
capable of causing much axial tilting motion. The change in axial tilt per 1000
years is fairly constant most of the time.
The image below is from Wikipedia and represents a small
portion of the A. Berger diagram showing earth axial tilt calculations and a
typical more modern formula from Laskar at the bottom. The operating characteristics of the Berger
plotter was well known and therefore some graphical representations can be
developed since not much precision is necessary to show the relationship to the
Planet 1680 contributions and the use of the Maya Long Count system for
analysis. Half of each part of the reversal is 5125 years and the reversal is
then 10,250 years and with two reversals that is half of the overall 41000 year
In the zoom up image on the left, one can see green dashed
construction lines which show how the mathematical curve is created by 1151
year increments. In reality, the curve
should be a stepped influence, but the variables attributed to the calculations
don’t currently allow a stepped representation, but it still shows the steps in
even this image. The color coding is meant to show that the increments of
deceleration are not equal to the increments of acceleration in the opposite
Maya Long Count
It would be hard to believe that the Maya went to all the
trouble to develop a mathematical system that cover huge time periods unless
that is exactly what is needed to convey pertinent matters to this very
issue. The Great Cycle from 3114 BC to
2012 AD is based on 13 Baktun, or 144,000 x(13) = 1,872,000 days and is falsely
often attributed to the beginning and ending of civilizations. It is clear from
this analysis it has nothing to do with the beginning and ending of
The average earth axial tilt cycle detailed by Berger
averages just over 40,000 years. A key
portion of the cycle, shown in the left detail above, shows that the basic
reversal occurs over this basic period of some 2 x 5125 years or the Baktun
depending on what modern calendar one uses for the conversion. In the image above marked in red shows that
most of the serious input from Planet 1680 is covered during that
interval. It appears to take about 9
intervals of 1151 years to make the reversal.
The same repeated at the top and the long stretch in between is
relatively smooth and not accelerating or deaccelerating to any major degree.
The two reversals take 2 x 2 x5125 = 20,500 years leaving 4
similar great cycles, but mirror image cycles.
The Great Cycle would not want to end precisely at a Baktun interval or
one might experience positive and negative numbers. It works pretty well to let the next reversal
be 2 Baktun from 2012 and still be certain there is enough room in the cycle
for the reversal. This appears to be a
point where the earth axial tilt is at a complete standstill, precisely the
time one might want to try and disable Planet 1680.
Tibetan Creation Period
In many articles, the creation period in Tibetan literature
and others is given as 311,040,000,000,000 years. This number factors into 1 million, 86,400
and 3600 where there are 3600 seconds per hour and 86,400 seconds per day, both
time periods. Some have suggested four more units of piktun, kalabtun,
k’inchiltun and alautun. It takes these
and six more to express the Tibetan period (given in years corrected to days)
in Maya days in the long count.
Noah’s Flood Was Real
Science has had a major problem with Noah’s Flood because it
just does not seem that all the land animals on earth was ever totally annihilated,
even a long time ago. And if that much
water was ever here, why isn’t it still here.
However, the truth is really simple. All the earth didn’t flood….just a
portion appeared to flood. Noah’s god
may have been quoted “the entire world” but what was meant was “the entire
world Noah knows about” and somewhere along the line it got shortened.
If something massive like Planet 1680 makes a close enough
pass to earth that it can change the earth axial tilt, it surely can tip the
large crustal plates like the Euro-Asia and African Plates. In the image below, modern science “thinks”
the plates around Noah’s World look like a group of smaller plates in between
the ends of the two large plates.
If Planet 1680 is tugging on the Polar Regions, it should cause
the two big plates to be tipped up at the poles which might make them sink on
the opposite ends near the equator. The
places are cup-shaped and have structural strength beyond the thickness.
Tugging them up towards the poles might leave a gap at the equator and the
small plates might simply sink a little.
The earth is about 8000 miles in diameter so sinking a few miles would
be quite easy. The crust that retains
any strength from cooling is probably in the order of 20 miles thick. The
sinking of the plate 3 miles would be like a dimple on a ten inch balloon that
is the thickness of a blond human hair.
Mount Ararat is about 3 miles tall and could easily have
been the first land to reappear after the sinking. Some of the mountains around it could easily
have been where Noah’s Ark came to rest.
Perhaps it will be found one day.
Noah’s World would easily have regained its natural animal
life, but over a period of centuries.
When his ark came to rest, there would be nothing for him to eat and he
would have to breed his animals for food until the natural migration of
surviving animals made it back to his area.
The bad news for earth inhabitants is that the potential for
really serious earth calamities is not a single catastrophic Armageddon, but
one that repeatedly occurs at different areas on earth, perhaps every 20,000
years. Any aliens visiting earth
probably know all about Planet 1680 and don’t want any part of it. Earth is a natural heaven….for a while.
Science likes to discount previous civilizations due to the
lack of evidence of developed infrastructure.
A truly advanced civilization would likely behave more like the mountain
folks of Tibet or the high mountains of South America where survivors would naturally
return to their old ways of living “quite fine thank you” off the land with
natural animals and simple agricultural knowledge. There is an old saying,
“blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth” which makes a lot of
sense in this venue. Our modern energy
guzzling society is wasting a lot of precious resources and over populating
much of the land mass. A truly advanced
society might look like ancient meso-America. The last “near flyby of Planet
1680” was 1105 AD. Maybe they knew it
was coming and most of them simply decided to leave. Maybe they went to Chaco Canyon?
Tikal Temple II Piezoelectric Design
The side view from the Cyart scan of Temple II at Tikal in
2006 shows that the three main layers are staggered as one progresses from
bottom to top. One would expect the near
vertical azimuths to be random, from the general appearance. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are marked in dashed alternating yellow
and blue lines in the image below. Without any manipulation, they are fit to 8+
digits. Diagram is repeated for
What on earth could anybody want to make these lines so
precise? Certainly the person that drew
them had no inclination and the modeling shows no easy reason why anybody would
choose that particular pattern. The spreadsheet showing the details below does
provide some clues.
The thick yellow line from the base of the steps to the very
top is at an angle of
(10/1.420405752)^2 and the length is 500 / 3.1556926^2
. This may indicate something to do with hydrogen and the earth orbital period.
The calculation of a number representing the primary
abundant hydrogen wavelength and the average abundant wavelength for helium
suggest that maybe a mixture of hydrogen and helium wavelengths are
present. But where might these
wavelengths be coming from?
Although infinitely more complex than simple piezoelectric
effect, that field comes as close as we can to a reason for how this Temple
might work. Below is an image which
attempts to show how the piezoelectric effect might work.
Raised around a gold carrying quartz underground gold mine,
I have some experience with quartz that most people don’t have or likely ever
will have. Quartz was one of the first
and perhaps most important piezoelectric materials used in early piezoelectric
instrumentation. Quartz occurs naturally
but essentially is unprocessed glass. It
breaks to a very sharp edge and was used by natives for cutting meat, trees and
The ore coming out of a mine can have rocks the size of
Volkswagens if not blasted properly. But
even large rocks have very tiny microscopic cracks which the gold and other
metals have been coming up thru under very high pressure and in hot water. These cracks have a pronounced impact on the
characteristics of the ore. As the water both cools and loses pressure, the
gold and other metals precipitate out.
These tiny pieces like each other and tend to collect as tiny nuggets
which can be separated in ore processing equipment.
We know there are few, if any, pyramids built out of quartz,
but granite and other stones have quartz embedded in them and can provide
similar general characteristics. We don’t really know what the interior stones
look like inside the pyramids but even sandstone has triboluminescence (three
ways to make light waves). Suffice it
say, there could be all sorts of electromagnetic radiation running around
inside the pyramid.
The question then would be how this radiation can be managed
to fulfill some type of process objective.
It appears that the construction of the layers in Temple II have some
type of orderly design. It is far from
clear what the objective might be. We
can only surmise from the dimensional measurements that it has something to do
with hydrogen and helium. The combination of references to muons and hydrogen
might be to “muonic hydrogen”. This compound might be the means to get muons
out into space without creating a beam. These muonic atoms are very unstable
and decay very quickly, so some carrying molecule may be needed. It is not known how muons cause low
temperature fusion and maybe it is the resulting neutrinos that are more
As mentioned earlier, muons have the ability to create
condensed hydrogen and maybe helium atoms, replacing electrons and compressing
the molecules. The layers in the pyramid
may be focusing the radiation, like a prism breaks up light, in specific
radiation patterns. The way the midlines come to focus right at the inside edge
of the top electrode seems to suggest some type of beam for some gigantic
For many readers, the following topics may be something
new. There are now lots of YouTube
Videos from security cameras that catch nearby lightning strikes. There are documentaries like the stills below
that demonstrate sprites and other high altitude electrical events only known
for a few years and photographed scientifically in the last ten years. The WUCF organization out of Central Florida
is the source of these images and the whole documentary can be seen at:
These images of sprites demonstrate the source of charge in
the ionosphere. It shows that earth is a much greater electric machine than
previously thought. At first it was thought that the sprite went from the top
of a powerful thunderstorm strike to ground up into the ionosphere. It turns out in the left image using a high
speed camera that it starts at the bottom of the ionosphere and goes both directions. The jelly fish tentacles go down to the top
of the cloud while the bubble goes higher into the ionosphere.
In a dramatic test of scientific skill, the image below is
captured in 3 dimension using two aircraft each fitted with high speed
cameras. It shows just how complex these
sprites are and what the interface with the ionosphere needs to be.
The documentary is highly recommended for anybody wanting to
get a better handle on what is going on in the ionosphere. The sprites disappear as they go up, but that
might only mean that they dissipate sufficiently that they cannot be seen or
else the atmosphere is so thin it does not heat enough to be radiant. The ionosphere is said to range out hundreds
of miles.
How this fits into the Tikal Pyramids is that any beam
broadcast outward may not be visible and perhaps difficult to be measured or
detected. And the tail of Planet 1680
may actually engage the earth ionosphere on occasion. It is thought that such an engagement would
cause the earth to shake violently.
Tikal Pyramid Generator
The earth crust is constantly vibrating in several modes as
regularly monitored by seismic stations all around the earth. The Schumann Resonance is constantly shaking
the atmosphere. It is proposed here that the Tikal Pyramids and surrounding ground
structures may be a huge amplifier or perhaps concentrator of natural vibration
that may be able to induce a spark of fusion into Planet 1680 sufficient to
make it blast off a large piece out near Jupiter or Saturn where it may be
captured. This might change the
trajectory of Planet 1680. It may be
very important that the ejected mass be captured so that it doesn’t fall back
to Planet 1680 and not change the trajectory.
Clearly, the ground structures have some role to play in the
overall Tikal operation. If that is the
case, how does one connect ground structures to the pyramids? How the builders did that is truly
amazing. With all the foliage near the
sides of the pyramids, there needs to be a precise method of finding the point
of connection representing the pyramid.
It appears that the bottom of the steps at the center is usually that
Just as the northern marker uses latitude and longitude to
find important numbers such as the proton/electron ratio, the latitude and
longitude can be used to define the connectivity point of each pyramid. Temple
V will be used here as an example.
The latitude of Temple V is 17.219895° and the longitude is
-89.623759°. The formula below gives the means for finding
the center of the bottom of the steps of Temple V.
(e) ^
[(100,000 / lat ^2) ^(1/2) x lon)^(2) /
5,000,000 ] = 1.719047646
Since the basic model uses 3.048 in two equations, one
should be on the watch for some type of routine to find a relationship with
that number. If one cubes the number
above and then divides by 2, exactly 2.54 results if Google Earth is allowed
sufficient precision. All should
remember that 2.54 x 12 = 30.48.
A similar, but not exactly the same, system is used on the
Jupiter pyramid (Temple III) and the Uranus pyramid (Temple IV). This provides the starting point for a vector
from the pyramid to anything that connects geometrically.
The easiest way to “start the find” is to see if the line
runs parallel along an edge in the ground structure. In the case of Temple III, the line runs
exactly along the south side of the major structure south of Temple I (Mayer
Palace), shown in white near horizontal in the image below.
In this case, the distance is 10000 / 3.1556959747 ^ 2
= 1004.175655 feet and the azimuth is 1/10th the distance at 100.42
The Saturn (Temple of Lost World) pyramid is shown with
model precision in the Google Earth box.
The distance in this case in meters is natural log base 2.71828 x
200 = 543.6563656
meters and the azimuth is again 1/10th the distance. Temple V uses a similar relationship
involving the muon / electron ratio of 206.768283 meters and azimuth.
Obviously, this methodology does not tell anyone, yet, what
the connectivity does but it beats being totally in the dark. Since the ground model also uses the muon /
electron ratio it seems a reasonable bet that muonic ions play some role in
connecting ground operations with pyramid operation.
Bubble Fusion
In the mechanical engineering curriculum there is an
engineering science coursework called fluids.
The topic of cavitation is covered somewhat briefly and mostly on how to
avoid it. Water flowing over an ocean
going ship propeller weighing maybe 50 tons of hard steel can suck metal right
out of the heart of the hub. How in the
world can a liquid remove hard steel? In
a park in Boulder, Nevada, there is an impeller out of the Hoover Dam Power
Units perhaps weighing 100 tons and 15 to 20 feet in diameter with similar pock
marks where cavitation has been accidentally allowed. It isn’t hard to operate at speeds where
cavitation doesn’t occur, but the fact that it can happen at all is truly
amazing. In certain pumping operations,
the impeller is totally destroyed.
As mentioned earlier, piezoelectric materials can generate
ultrasonic sound used as pings for underwater location of other ships and
submarines. It happens these same
ultrasonic acoustics can initiate sonoluminescence which is the generation of
very high temperatures and accompanying release of light which is of a
different nature than ordinary light released from electron orbital
changes. There seems to be something
like small scale lightning that is at the core of the process. This process is very much like cavitation.
There is research in progress where it is thought these very
high temperature lightning bolts could initiate small thermonuclear pulses,
called bubble fusion. The reader can
research all these topics on Wikipedia and absorb whatever is within one’s
educational scope. The point being that
fusion can be initiated in ways we have not yet imagined. Initiating fusion on Planet 1680 may be the
ticket to ridding ourselves of the curse.
The Maler Palace Is Not a Residence
When someone with no dog in the fight looks at the Maler
Palace due south of Temple I, it is pretty hard to think
anybody….anybody….would live in something like that. Somebody over on the steps
of Temple I, where the picture is taken, would have good input for porno
movies, depending how good looking the King’s maidens looked. J
As far as living structures go, this monstrosity takes the
top for “the most work required for the minimum of living space”. The seven or more rectangular holes would not
really have enough room for a single bed.
The natural draft of a short cave is to let air in the top, cool it down
and exit the bottom. That would make
having a fire pretty smoky. It isn’t really much better on the other side or up
Mentioned earlier, this area has some type of connectivity
with Temple III and Temple I. But we
need more information to tell what it might be.
The model below yields some insight into what it really is.
All the ACAD lines are infinitely thin and drawn with great
precision. The lines are made thicker in
order to be seen in the graphics. The
reader can decide whether they fit and are proven by redundant relationships.
The top of the left opening in red is related to the square
root of 2 as if the measurement was made in inches. The top of right opening in cyan is also
related to the square root of 2 if the measurement was made in feet. This makes
the conjugate ratio for area exactly equal to 11, which probably nobody knew
before reading this.
In the cyan highlight, one can see the top of the middle
area marked in dashed yellow is a function of the neutron / electron ratio
which is actually a mathematical relationship having nothing to do with the
mass of anything. However, it is the
ratio of the most abundant hydrogen wavelength to the smallest wavelength at
1.3125 or 21/16 or the ratio of the corresponding quantum numbers. (1-1/8^2)/ (1-1/2) =
The vertical dimension was thought to be near 8 feet from
the model in the court further south, and that was close enough to find the
real height at using only the 3.15569259747 used in many area of Tikal,
highlighted in green.
A number of the checksum relationships look interesting and
check out to six digits, but the one in lavender takes the cake at 1.215668
which is the published value for the most abundant hydrogen wavelength….exactly
to seven digits.
The numbers in the lavender highlight are 86,400…number of
seconds per day; The natural log base E
-1 = a = 1.71828xxx. It is absolutely
amazing the model comes up with that number, particularly when using the 1.3125
number for the same wavelength to get to it.
It appears there is clear “design intent” and it is executed
with great precision. The width at the
top and at vertical sides are far too precise for natives building a
palace. Where are the carvings befitting
a king? Nobody ever lived there except
the birds.
From the earlier modeling on a similar ground structure, the
volume appeared to be 206.768283 as in the muon/electron mass ratio. If we plug that number into the cyan chamber,
the depth is 3.53835 feet or roughly 42.5 inches. The reader should begin to recognize a number
like 35.3835 and take the cube root and then reciprocal to get .30460208,
similar but not identical to .3048, the metric to English conversion.
The reader should interpret this “error” as one of several
options: 1) one of the numbers leading to this point is off; or 2) there is
another step to take. Since the first
option was already checked seven ways from Sunday, the second option should be
considered. First and foremost, what is
this rectangular hole? Perhaps a
resonance chamber would be a good guess.
Below is the general resonance equation with the appropriate
numbers substituted.
1/(7.0710678^2) + 1/(8.264137188^2) + 1/(3.538355023^2)]
^(1/2) =
and the reciprocal taken to the square root = 1.719035121
This “near A number” should be cubed and divided by 2 to get
2.539944655 and that number times 1.2 is 3.047933586 which is really close to
the conversion before the committee decided to round it off to 3.048. This is close enough to confirm “design
intent” and something the builders were trying to communicate to the future.
The question now is whether this resonance chamber is for
acoustic vibration, ionic acoustics or electromagnetic vibration or perhaps all
three. It was already mentioned that Temple III appears to have some
dimensional connection to the south side of these chambers and then this side
appears to have a connection to the frontal section of Temple I using again the
206.768283. This seems to lean towards
some type of ionic acoustics.
Is it possible that Temple III receives something perhaps
from space or ionic acoustics from the sun, activates the Maler Palace and it
in turn activates the Temple I and Temple II combination? That is a pretty complex series of events,
but nothing impossible.
Solar Acoustics
With the launch of the SOHO mission decades ago, the natural
acoustics inside the sun have allowed measurements to progress deep down inside
the star and detect complex flowing materials.
These currents bounce around and generate sounds out into space. They are far too low of frequency to be heard
with human ears, but ESA and NASA have multiplied them by 42000 and reproduced
audible sounds that allow a human to hear the fluctuating frequencies,
essentially the music of the sun. It
turns out all the planets, including earth, make measureable sounds.
If we think of the muon/electron dimensionless ratio as a
frequency and divide it by 42,000 there could be a solar frequency of .00492305
cps. If we then take the reciprocal to
think in terms of wavelengths instead of frequencies and then double that four
times to get a higher octave, we see 3250.
That is almost exactly the distance in centimeters from the bottom of
the steps on the Kacyra Scan of Temple II to a point exactly under the top of
pyramid and described by the slope of the angle at 10/hydrogen hyperfine of
1.420405 squared for 49.565 degrees shown in thick yellow on the side view scan
far above. The 3250 cm horizontal dashed green line is there also.
Since we are not looking to derive a mathematical or
scientific relationship, but only trying to communicate a concept, this is a
direct hit. We are only at the beginning
stages of this rodeo and we need some serious scientific research on
Tikal. We also need to quit destructive digging
and do more ground penetrating radar.
There needs to be some type of incentive program to get new
generations to live away from oceans and at higher elevations. The year 2256 may seem a long way off but it
will take a long time to revise whole earth civilization to a more survivable
social gathering. The idea of
transporting a serious percentage of people to other planets is simply
mathematically out of the question. Even
huge alien ships capable of carrying perhaps a million people would require a
lot of trips to move even a billion people. And getting them settled safely
would require billions of other people.
If we really think about it, the purpose of human bodies is
to accept and house souls and provide a learning environment to grow
spiritually and lovingly. That can be
done in the high mountains of Tibet or the Andes and does not require jumbo
jets or skyscrapers near the ocean or concrete freeways with gas guzzling cars
and trucks.
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referenced herein.
Jim Branson
Retired Professional Engineering Manager
Knowhow at ctcweb dot net
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