
Showing posts from March, 2020
Tikal Geometry 2 (continued from tikal-geometry) Salute to Ben Kacyra Ben Kacrya is a civil engineer from Iraq who had an idea about 3D scanning of ancient structures and developed the knowhow to scan structures like Temple II in Tikal.   He sold the business and apparently received enough funds to mush on and develop scans for his personal satisfaction.   The scan of Temple II at Tikal got on the internet and was discovered when this effort was nearly completed.   Therefore, it was already known that Tikal was a special place and a “work of love for mankind”. However, this model is the smoking gun. In modern times if we wanted to create an image of something like a pyramid, we would have a herd of artists do their thing and then select the one that had the most appeal.   Then technical people would scan the image into a CAD system and make drawings of it and even make 3 dimensional models.   Nobody I have ever known would try to create a math...